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Welcome to Audubon Park Wellness center!  The office of Dr.'s Michelle and James Snyder.  They are one of just several husband and wife chiropractic teams and the only husband and wife Holistic doctors in Washington state.

The focus of Audubon Park Wellness is to look at the whole person, not just the parts.  People come to this office seaking help and hope.  To discover what is causing them to have their illness.

The doctors treat people with illnesses not illnesses that have people.

Utilizing the Six steps to wellness by Dr. Brimhall, they look at all the interferences to determine the best aproach to take care of the whole person, restoring their health.

There are six interferences that cause havoc with your health.  They are Structure, Toxins, Emotions, Nutrition, Electromagnetic, and Allergies and Sensitivities. 

These interferences do not allow your body to fight off viruses and cause your system to weaken.  When this happens, your body is over-run and works improperly.

The doctors and staff take the time to get to know you. Really listen to your concerns and work with you to helping solve your health concerns. The doctors make recommendations based on what your health needs are.  Putting you, the patient first.

After a detailed history about you, a thorough examination takes place.  Special diagnostic equipment such as an SEMG and x-rays may be performed.  A return the following day is set up where the doctor will sit down with you and cover what was diagnosed and make treatment recommendations. 

One of the great things about the doctors is that if they can help you, they will tell you, if they can't, they will make recommendations for you to someone who can.

By reading this information, you have already made a decision about your health.  You want to get well.  Because you have taken the time to search out a health care provider that can help you, We'd like to help you with your quest for health.

We want to offer you a gift. You have a choice to accept this gift or pass.  However, this gift could posibally change your life and I'd recommend you accept this gift.  We'd like to offer you a complementary consultation.  This normally runs $50.

We want to remove any barriers that may prevent you from recieving care that can help restore your health.  How do you accept this gift?  Simply pick up the telephone and call 509-327-4049.  Tell the receptionist "I want to accept the offer for the Free consultation I read about on the Erchonia web site". 

You'll be on your way to better health. Why should you accept this offer?  If you don't, you won't get well.  It's that simple.  We'er here to help you.

But you say, I'm still not sure.  Check out our web site at audubonparkwellness.com .  Here you'll see everything that we have to offer to help you get well. 

We look forward to seeing you at our office!  We'll be the ones ready to serve you!

Dr. Michelle Snyder is a 1992 graduate from Sherman college of Straight Chiropractic in South Carolina.  She graduated 1st in her class.  She is certified in the Websters technique (the non-evasive technique of turning breach babies), and her practice focus is with children and helping with pregnant women.  She is also a Brimhall certified doctor.

Dr. Jim Snyder graduated from Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic in 1992.  He graduated with the Clinical Excellence award.  His practice focus is to adult patients, seniors and individuals that have injured themselves at work or from an automobile accident.

He was selected by his peers and the Govenor of Washington state to serve on the Washington Stated Chiropractic Quality Commission (state board of examiners), is also a Chiropractic Consultant and Medical Examiner with the Washington state Department of Labor and Industries.

He recently recieved his Diplomate in Chiropractic Orthopedics from the Academy of Chiropractic Orthopedics and is a Fellow of the Academy of Chiropractic Orthopedics.