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Podcast Ep. 73: Lasers for Lifespan and Longevity with Dr. Rob Silverman

laser light show

Dr. Andrew Wells: All right, everybody. Welcome to the laser light show. We’re super excited. On today’s episode we have with us good friend, and special guest, Dr. Rob Silverman. So let’s get started.



Dr. Andrew Wells

Dr. Chad Woolner

Dr. Robert Silverman


Dr. Chad Woolner: Growing up in Portland, Oregon, I used to love going to laser light shows at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. They would put on these amazing light shows with incredible designs synced up to some of my favorite music. From the Beatles to Pink Floyd to Jimmy Hendrix and Metallica; they were awesome. Little did I know then that lasers would have such a profound effect on my life decades later. As a chiropractic physician, I have seen first-hand just how powerful laser therapy is in helping patients struggling with a wide range of health problems. As the leader in laser therapy, Erchonia has pioneered the field in obtaining 20 of the 23 total FDA clearances for therapeutic application of lasers. On this podcast, we’ll explore the science and technology and physiology behind what makes these tools so powerful. Join me as we explore low level laser therapy. I’m Dr. Chad Woolner along with my good friend Dr. Andrew Wells and welcome to The Laser Light Show. 


Elevate your practice with cutting-edge insights on laser therapy applications, mitochondrial stimulation, and healthspan; join the conversation with Dr. Rob Silverman and other experts—click here for upcoming seminars and events.


Dr. Chad Woolner: All right, welcome to the show, everybody. We are so excited. This is the second time we have had Dr. Rob Silverman on the show. Correct. Second, my friend, awesome. So we’re excited. Certainly not the last time we’ll have, hopefully not the last time we’ll have Dr. Silverman on with us. Today, we’re going to be talking about lasers and longevity. You know, I think this is such a timely and important topic because far too often, when we think of longevity, it’s too focused on just the quantity of life. But when we’re talking longevity, we’re not just talking quantity; we’re talking the quality of those years within that quantity. Right? It’s one thing to extend life and have like 10 years of pain and suffering extended life. But obviously, Dr. Rob Silverman is here to discuss how do we maximize the quality out of those years as well. Super excited. You are fresh off of the heels of lecturing down in Bogota, Colombia. So we’re excited to have you tell us, how was Colombia?


Dr. Rob Silverman: Bueno. Oh, no, Colombia was great. Bogota was fabulous. I was actually there center square during the earthquake, a lot of fun. Wow. Great people, great healthy food. Great Congress. You know, gentlemen, it’s amazing to watch the world come around the idea of healthcare and see the leaders and see how invigorating it is to see that the message that we’re on the trail that we’re on is one that’s helping people and making indelible marks on their lives. Whether it’s us, whether it’s Canada, I know you guys traveled and lectured internationally, whether it’s Bogota, in France, there is a segment of the population who is clamoring for this. So all those on this path, don’t give it up. This is the path that’s going to make a change in other people’s lives. And you know, isn’t that what we do it for? I mean, we were just talking about something right? Isn’t that what we do it for? I mean, it’s not for Mercedes or anything like that. It’s that handshake when you walk into the local restaurant, local church, or somebody says, thank you.


Dr. Chad Woolner: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. So yeah, how’s your book doing? Immune reboot, one of my favorites. It’s been out now for what, three, four months, or longer than that, hasn’t it been…


Dr. Rob Silverman: Longer. It’s been about eight months. You know, it’s doing great. Believe it or not, it had this U shape when it came out, and people had interest because immunity, and like in America, immunity went down. And now people are still searching how to keep their immune system strong. Because, you know, if it’s not for chiropractic, or what I like to refer to as medically adjacent practitioners, because I don’t believe we’re alternative. I don’t believe we’re complementary. I believe we’re medically adjacent. We run alongside with them. They can use some of us; we can use some of them. Yeah. So the idea of integrated, we’re not an alternative anything. People are looking for strong immune health, and they’re looking to be able to pick from the toolbox, and they don’t know where to go but you know, laser lifestyle. This is where it’s at. It’s what you, Andrew, and myself all report every day to our patient base.


Dr. Chad Woolner: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. So what are you seeing right now in terms of obviously, the timing of this episode is kind of interesting timing right because, like you said, that U shape is going to shift I think a little bit over the next few months here in terms of interest because of the fact that here we are, as we’re recording this, this is nearing the end of August 2023. There’s all sorts of rumblings right now, online socially about new variants of COVID that are coming out and what the government and world leaders are talking about bringing back masks, new vaccine updates and boosters and all that fun stuff. And yet again, we don’t seem to be, at least that I’m hearing. We don’t seem to be hearing a lot about proactive and or preventative strategies. And so maybe talk to that. And Dr. Silverman in terms of what you’re seeing, and what you’re, more importantly, doing to kind of help chime in voice of reason in this world.


Dr. Rob Silverman: Well, for me, you know, I know you want to talk about longevity, which is without question a topic of this year 2023. And you did a great job in the preview saying it’s lifespan versus healthspan. So for me, the key to longevity is turning on all the health switches. The master switch is having a robust immune system, the control switch lifestyle, but without question, the hidden control switch is using low-level laser that allows for electromagnetic transfer of energy. And the reason I say that is we’ve got a lot of lifestyle gurus. But other than the people that come on your show, there’s a small cadre of practitioners or laser superstars who really understand it. So the idea of switching or switching of aging, it’s turning on pathways, one pathway, and we’re not going to get too technical, the am PK pathway. It regulates the amount of energy; it’s a nutrient and energy sensor. It maintains energy homeostasis. You want to stimulate it, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Berberine, omega-three fatty acids, resveratrol, intermittent fasting, what a great lifestyle hack. We’ve talked about it, high-intense exercise, even caffeine. And let’s not forget those lights that you guys have in the background that are flashing the whole time I can see them. Low-level laser therapy can also turn on that health switch. You also have something called sirtuins; they protect the cell from damage, they repair them, reduce inflammation, they boost memory. They’re impaired mitochondrial health, they’re stimulated by NAD, green tea, turmeric, resveratrol, quercetin, again, exercise, intermittent fasting, extra virgin olive oil, coffee, and of course, low-level laser and low-level laser doesn’t deal with one individual switch; it turns on the whole body. One more switch that you want to actually decrease is the mTOR pathway. It’s a central processing unit that makes all the complex decisions relating to cellular growth. So it’s a signal for growth rather than survival. And you want to demand resveratrol, quercetin, zinc, melatonin, omega threes, ketogenic diet, vitamin D, intermittent fasting, coffee, curcumin, etc. So the takeaway is more sirtuins, more AMPK, less mTOR, lifestyle appeler supplements and add your low-level laser therapy by Erchonia.


Dr. Chad Woolner: So when practitioners and or patients alike are hearing all of this, right, it could come across as maybe like a little bit of a fire hose. Because there’s a lot there. I think the first takeaway that I that I hear when I’m hearing this, if one is going to adopt this, they have to recognize I think on some level that this is going to be a true lifestyle approach mindset and lifestyle approach. Because when I again, when I hear that you can hear one of two ways, either a laundry list of to-dos, or you start thinking strategically, okay, how do I take all of those things and synthesize it down into something manageable? So maybe talk about some manageable strategies of how you synthesize all of that. And what does that look like on a day-to-day basis, maybe?


Dr. Rob Silverman: I think that’s great. I think I, without question, gave them the data dump. I’m so excited about this. I’m like, here’s all the data. Yeah, I got this big meal, but I got no fork and knife. Let’s make it a little bit more digestible. There are, as Andrew Chad was saying, Rob from New York, could you land the plane please? I got it. I got the memo. So let’s talk about lifestyle, and let’s talk about limiting our carbohydrate content. Let’s avoid some ultra-processed foods. Let’s decrease the amount of added sugar. We can have fructose, but let’s not have a large amount of fructose because carbohydrates put us into what we call a survival mode or a fat depositing mode. So we want to limit our carbs if we did just that, we will be much better off in our health bandwidth. We want to look to eat good quality proteins, look to eat good quality fats; that should be the basis of our macronutrient ingestion. Let’s try and get some exercise. We all don’t have to pump like Arnold or Ronnie Coleman or somebody like that. But let’s get some good quality exercise. I had a patient coming today, and he says, You know, I don’t like to lift weights. And I’m like, Well, what do you mean? He’s like, Well, I don’t like barbells and dumbbells and everything like that. I said, Would you do a push up? Yeah, well, that’s a bodyweight. Would you use a TRX? Yeah. Would you do a pull up? Would you walk? He doesn’t like the gym? Would you walk outside? Like the beautiful picture that Dr. Wells has behind? Would you want to walk in that forest, or behind that window, would you want to be outside and just walk around that building? I unfortunately am encased in this, you know, ground floor place, but you know, welcome to New York, you want to move you want to walk, you want to get that exercise. And if you can do some high-intense interval training, if your body allows you, the data indicates even four minutes of exercise will actually improve your health status. So they call that a Tabata. Then when you look at the supplements, I did give you a litany of supplements. Here’s some easy stuff, multivitamin multi-mineral, omega-three fatty acid, vitamin D3 with two good pre and probiotics. If you start with that, that’s great. And try and get the laser into your lifestyle. I just had somebody come up from the Midwest; you get laser therapy every day two to three times a day. And the change in his energy level, his long COVID symptoms, his approach to life changed; he came in like a dim light, and now he’s bright and shiny. So I mean, I’m not saying that because it worked for them. Full disclosure, I’m saying because I use it on myself; I picked the laser up because I have congenital torticollis. So that’s evident; people can see that there’s an asymmetry of my neck, I did it because I needed to help myself, because my neck is now fused. And chiropractic adjustments were no longer available. And the results were great because I was more pain-free; range of motion came back. And then again, I started to utilize this laser device, which has FDA clearances on my friends, my family, my wife first always my wife because I figure if I don’t kill her, we can move on in life as well. We just heard me in the other room. But in any case, you know, and now it’s a staple for patients. And I found it to be quite effective in this longevity mode.


Dr. Chad Woolner: You know, something you said in a conversation we had I think a couple of weeks ago, Rob, that really resonated with me for whatever reason. And it’s just like, sometimes people say things at the right time. And it just it clicks. This was something you said you said something to the effect of muscle tissue is the tissue of youth or something, something to that effect. I don’t know if that’s exactly what you said. But that’s kind of what I heard. What stuck with me is for a lot of people when they hear about like resistance training and or just general exercise exactly what you said, like, I don’t want to be Arnold Schwarzenegger, I don’t want to be this, like, you know, you know, Hulk type person. But the reality of it is, is that muscle tissue and or muscle tone is is one of the key factors to a health span, you know, in terms of maintaining long term health, maybe speak to the specific of kind of that intersection of how muscle tissue plays a role with that exercise. But then on top of that, how lasers can enhance all of that and kind of connect some of those dots together a little bit. Fabulous.


Dr. Rob Silverman: Well, I believe that muscle mass is the currency of longevity that Dr. Gabrielle Lyon says muscle mass is the organ or the longevity organ. Or phrase it right. Yeah, great. And it’s one huge takeaway. So it’s not when we talk about muscle mass, we’re not just talking about muscle mass, we’re talking about having some muscle, some quality muscle. And if you think about in chiropractic, if we get back to that we’re structure and posture guys. I mean, good quality, muscle tone will enable us to have better structure, what’s my biggest problem? It’s not the nerves, it’s that my muscle tone in the area apart my SEM is shorten my scaling and shorten the other side is elongated, etc, etc, etc. So you know, as a chiropractor, we always talk about the central nervous system. But I think one of the interesting things that we add to the conversation is muscle, muscle tone imbalancing the muscle I don’t think we talked about that enough that alone, utilizing the laser where it can turn on and off muscles to have a proper tone. Is a fabric This ad. In addition, it was a 2016 study for performance, like muscle performance with elite sports athletes. And those who were lasered did considerably better than other elite athletes that weren’t so much so that at that particular games, they said they may ban laser unless it’s accessible to everybody, because it’s an unfair advantage, like taking a steroid or something like that. That’s hilarious. Yeah, and, you know, I think later before we, you know, get off, we definitely have to get into the idea of mitochondrial function, because if you think about mitochondrial function goes across a couple of different parameters. Number one, it does talk about longevity. Number two, it talks about health. And number three, it really talks about performance. And to be frank, looking at from among a functional medicine lens. mitochondrial dysfunction is one of the biggest issues we have. Because we, you know, when you look at what a mitochondria can do, mitochondria has immune system functions. It’s energy producing, and the number one mitochondrial organ in our body, our brain, and where are we without our brain? Now, I have been told that I’ve lived my whole life without a functioning brain. But I may be unique.


Dr. Andrew Wells: Don’t I, to your point I don’t really hear much about in respect to lasers, I don’t hear much about muscle tonicity. We talk about affecting obviously, mitochondrial function, we talk about a bunch of other functions, but with lasers and longevity, like, explain to us how like for someone who’s, that’s a new concept to them. And also, to some degree me, tell us how that works. You


Dr. Rob Silverman: have the tenacity and the talent. Well, it’s interesting in that by producing the ATP, you can get, take a step back home in the plan a little shorter, not a long runway for Jad make.


Dr. Chad Woolner: Talk to me, like I’m a fifth grader. Okay, Rob, let’s just say,


Dr. Rob Silverman: sorry, I went from eight to five. Oh, goodness, there’s so many applications in what we’re saying we’re definitely going to get taken off the air. low level laser allows for the efficient production of ATP. And by doing so it also decreases the amount of free radicals or reactive oxygen species produce. So this is a good thing. And in that alone, a decrease in reactive oxygen species is anti-aging Improving longevity and health span and as such, but also the ability to produce ATP allows you to contract the muscles. Now we have different wavelengths to the muscles. And here’s the we have different wavelengths to the laser. And that’s very interesting. We have three wavelengths that we utilize, we use a red, which is 635 nanometer visible light, we have a 520, approximately, which is green. All of these have different properties, we have a 405 wavelength. Now what’s interesting about that is the read stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, the violet is sort of in the sorry, the green is sort of in the middle, and the violet stimulates the sympathetic nervous system. So when you add these together, there’s a balancing of systems. And that would be called the autonomic nervous system. And as chiropractors, we always talk about the nervous system, the muscular system. And sometimes we forget about the autonomic nervous system, this balance this homeostasis, that’s what we’re about, right? We’re all about homeostasis, getting the body imbalanced to optimizing it from the inside out. And laser helps you do that. And one of the beautiful ways it does is it stimulates the production of ATP in a mitochondria. In addition, a lot of studies have been done on laser to show that it affects the body from the inside out from a blood chemistry format, in that increases something called interleukin 10, which is a protein enzyme. It’s one of the anti-inflammatory cytokines that the body produces. But here’s the secret sauce to it. It conversely decreases interleukin one beta and interleukin six, interleukin eight TNF alpha data dump, those are a pro-inflammatory, so it actually flicks not only the switch of longevity, it turns off the switch of aging lasers been shown to increase interleukin 10. Now that said, just talk about lower back pain has shown most people that have lower back pain have an increase in interleukin six and interleukin eight and the feeling of musculoskeletal pain will lead you down and a decline in longevity. Because it’s not just healthspan and lifespan. It’s now going to vitality. Hey, I’m totally healthy. But you know what? I can’t walk that far. I’m totally healthy but I suffer from this that in the other thing, I don’t suffer from a disease, but my performance for my age or what I should be at my age is precipitously dropped. So I think we need to expand the idea of vitality and nobody does it better than you two guys to


Dr. Chad Woolner: thank you, Dr. Rob. Great. Great thoughts there. Boy, this is awesome. This is going to be a really fun episode for people listen to to fit two thoughts number one. Have you seen that new docket Docu drama on Netflix, painkiller? Yeah, oh, golly, it’s so for those who haven’t seen it. I’m sure by the time this is out, everybody’s seen it, you should see it because it’s very eye opening. It’s a it’s basically a docu drama about Purdue pharma and oxy cotton. And I can’t help but think I’m watching that with my wife in the evenings. And I’m like, I’ve got one of the Kony lasers literally sitting right next to me, by my bed stand on my on my bed stand. And I’m thinking the entire time as I’m watching this show, like golly, lasers could have solved. There’s this main character at the beginning, who’s dealing with debilitating back pain, and he starts, you know, down in a bunch of Oxycontin. And obviously, we know where that’s where that’s headed. But that was like the first point in all of this was just like, crazy to think about the fact that here we have these tools that can help. But in terms of also this idea of like, increasing healthspan. You have you read the book, body by science by Dr. Doug macguff. It’s great read, great read, when you started talking, it really reminded me of what he talked about in that book about defining health and fitness, right. Health being he defines it as the absence of disease, number one, and a balance of catabolic and anabolic states, or as you would call it, homeostasis. Right, you know, absence of disease and homeostasis. But the other fact of it, because people I think, sometimes use these terms interchangeably, and they should not be used interchangeably because there’s a difference between health and fitness. And he defines fitness as one’s resiliency or adaptability to stress. Right, so exactly what you said there, Rob, is you can have somebody who has a relatively high level of health or is considered healthy, but has very low fitness, right? They can’t walk for long periods of time, they can’t run, they can’t lift weight, things that are required, necessary stressors of life, you know, like you talk and I, as I’m saying this, I’m thinking about, you know, Greg Glassman, who was the founder of CrossFit, he was viewed as a fairly controversial figure, in that I read this interview that he had, somebody was like, So you mean to tell me that you’re gonna have some 80 year old woman doing deadlifts? And he’s like, yeah, absolutely. And they’re like, why would you do that? He’s like, Well, does she have to bend over to pick things up on a day to day basis? And they’re like, Well, yeah. And he’s like, so don’t you think it would be important to have sufficient muscle tone and strength and ability to be able to bend over and lift anything up off the ground? They’re like, yeah, they kind of make a good point there. So I just love what you shared there, Rob, because it’s, it’s really helping people see that longevity. It’s not just about health, but also about resiliency and fitness in this idea of capacity to to engage and do the things that people need to do on a on a day to day basis.


Dr. Rob Silverman: Yeah, I think we forget about vitality. And I look at that every day with my 94 year old mom, she certainly has longevity. She’s got a very long lifespan. Now, she hit the wall, and now she barely can talk. She can’t take care of herself. It’s 24/7 365 My dad is similar age does everything of course, his posture shot in with her she never optimized the vitality. So if I showed you a movie of her life, she would be the classic example of longevity. Not so great house fan, but not as bad as you think. But vitality because she didn’t watch what she an exercise. There was no moments in life. And you know, I look at her and I said, Hey, what do you suggest? And she said, you know, spend it now take care of yourself. Because, you know, now there’s, I can’t enjoy which I have a patient that’s 97 years old who drives in every day and he’s got a girlfriend Hey, good for him. And you know, travels. But I really want to hammer home something because actually two things will really want to hammer home. Could not thermal laser be an answer for longevity? Should it be the modality if we want to call it a modality? So let me give you some reasons why. Yeah, please. non invasive, no downtime. Um, no pain, typically a short treatment time, as pain relieving properties, decreases swelling, improves blood flow enhances energy production by optimizing mitochondrial function. It’s anti-inflammatory, its immune boosting properties are there. It promotes stem cell production, it decreases stress hormones, it’s neuro protective. Down regulates those stress responses in the brains. It Up regulates collagen production. And some lasers actually have a fat loss, cellulite reduction. And they’re able to address skin conditions. So for me as a modality, I believe low level laser is among devotee modality of the 21st century.


Dr. Andrew Wells: Absolutely. It’s hard to argue with that. When you’re looking at all the potential things, you can use modalities, strategies that you can use, whether it’s breathwork, meditation, yoga, exercise, nutrition, cold immersion therapy, heat therapy. There’s a lot of choices. Providers and patients alike have a difficult time understanding how to actually apply these things. To the average person or doctor, it’s like, “Yeah, that’s all great. That makes sense, Dr. Silverman, but I have all these other things to choose from.” What’s unique about laser therapy is that it does so much across such a wide spectrum of things in a very easy-to-use tool that you can’t get wrong. It’s amazing for a lot of different things, whether it’s longevity or other health-related concerns.


Dr. Chad Woolner: The other thing that I would add to that, too, that I think is so unique as well is how stackable lasers are. There’s just about nothing you couldn’t stack a laser into. You can’t say that with other modalities, right? When you’re hooked up to wires or when you’ve got some contraption that’s being strapped to you or utilized. Lasers are so non-invasive that literally, you could have somebody shining a laser on you while you’re doing just about anything, anywhere, anytime. You can’t say that or do that with other modalities. The versatility, not just in terms of conditions and applications but in terms of stackability, is what makes lasers equally so powerful and so useful.


Dr. Rob Silverman: I’m going to dock the plane for you on that. Stacking multiple lasers ensures that you get all the different wavelengths across the visible light spectrum. You can stimulate all the mitochondrial complexes because the key to mitochondria is there are four complexes that need to be stimulated. The violet light stimulates complex one and two, green stimulates three, red stimulates four. When you stack these lasers, you’re getting a full change in mitochondrial function. Combining different lasers, like the E VRL and the GVL, results in a synergistic effect, creating a powerful approach. Practitioners, press that power button and go for it. There are some special ideas, and that’s why you attend webinars by experts like Dr. Wellness, Dr. Silverman, Dr. Barry, Dr. Kirk, Dr. Dan Murphy, etc. Everyone has their own approach, but the basic premise is to press that power button and get started.


Dr. Chad Woolner: It never ceases to amaze me. The minute we started using lasers in our clinic, the resounding message was there’s only upside, literally no downside. What that does is open up this playground for practitioners to experiment, knowing that these tools are inherently safe. It opens up the world for practitioners to experiment, knowing that outcomes will be inherently safe and efficacious. Lasers provide this incredible opportunity to explore and enhance patient care with very low risk.


Dr. Andrew Wells: Laser therapy is the easiest lifestyle change. Once you have a laser, it’s super easy to integrate into your routine. For example, I laser my two wiggly six and eight-year-old boys simultaneously in the morning. I lay them down, point the laser, and get the front, back, and top of their brains. It’s that simple. Lifestyle changes like stress management, exercise, and good nutrition can be perceived as difficult by some people, but laser therapy is exceptionally easy for anyone. If I can use it on my excited boys in the morning, you can use it in your home or clinic.


Dr. Rob Silverman: Laser therapy is not only versatile but also safe and easy to use. Patients can incorporate laser therapy into their daily activities, whether they’re meditating, listening to calming apps, or simply relaxing. The benefits are vast, ranging from improved mitochondrial function to reducing stress hormones, promoting stem cell production, and even benefiting hair health. It’s a powerful tool that complements a healthy lifestyle and contributes to longevity.


Dr. Chad Woolner: Exactly. Laser therapy is a multipurpose tool with sufficient specificity for a wide range of conditions. It offers practitioners and patients an easy-to-use, safe, and effective modality for improving health, fitness, and overall well-being. The stackability of lasers makes them incredibly versatile, allowing them to be combined with various modalities for enhanced therapeutic effects. As we explore the potential of laser therapy, it continues to amaze us with its diverse applications and positive impact on longevity and quality of life.


Dr. Andrew Wells: I love it.


Dr. Chad Woolner: Well, Dr. Silverman, it has been an absolute pleasure getting the chance to chat with you. This has been a great episode. I think practitioners and patients alike will really appreciate the value that you’ve shared with us. So we really appreciate it. Always great connecting with you, my friend. And looking forward for sure to the next time we get to chat. Andrew, any final thoughts on your end?


Dr. Andrew Wells: Yeah, I just want to reiterate that lasers are like sex when done correctly. It’s amazing. Even when done incorrectly, it’s still pretty darn good.


Dr. Chad Woolner: Yeah, absolutely. I’ll leave everyone with that. There.


Dr. Rob Silverman: And I got fourteen lasers. So life is good.


Dr. Chad Woolner: Love it, man. Love it. Awesome. We’ll hope this has been a valuable episode. Share this episode with those that you feel could benefit from not only increasing longevity but increasing their health span as well. Dr. Rob Silverman, when and where will you be next? For those who are listening to this episode timely, you’re going to be in Wisconsin next week.


Dr. Rob Silverman: I will be in Wisconsin next week. You know what if you just go to my website, DrRobertSilverman.com, you can see where I’m teaching functional medicine. And you can see where I’m teaching laser for akoni lasers. We’re out on the road almost every weekend. We’re always strong in the Chiropractic and functional medicine model and markets.


Dr. Chad Woolner: Love it. Love it. We’ll make sure there’s a link there. So for Docs, if you want to connect with Rob Silverman in person and attend one of his seminars, I would highly, highly encourage that. We appreciate everything Dr. Rob Silverman is doing. If you guys want to pick up a copy of his book, which is amazing. By the way, he explains the immune system in such simple, easy, digestible terms. It should be standard reading for not only practitioners but patients alike, if you really want to take charge of your health in an impactful way, especially in lieu of the fact that unfortunately, we see some craziness coming down the pipeline right now. And if you want to avoid all the hype, and the panic and the fear, and you really want to learn some simple but powerful things that can empower you in terms of your health, get a copy of his book, immune reboot, it’s fantastic. So that’s it for today’s episode. We’ll talk to you guys on the next one. Have a good one. Thanks for listening to the laser light show. Be sure to subscribe and give us a review. If you’re interested in learning more about Erchonia lasers, just head on over to or codea.com. There you’ll find a ton of useful resources including research news and links to upcoming live events, as well as or Coleus II community where you can access for free additional resources including advanced training and business tools. Again, thanks for listening and we will catch you on the next episode.




Listeners of “The Laser Light Show,” today we’re honored to host a trailblazer in the realms of chiropractic care and clinical nutrition – Dr. Robert G. Silverman.


A chiropractic doctor by training and a clinical nutritionist by passion, Dr. Silverman has cemented his reputation as an expert in the fusion of these two disciplines. He is the acclaimed author of “Inside-Out Health: A Revolutionary Approach to Your Body,” which not only took the medical community by storm but also clinched the #1 spot on Amazon in 2016. The ACA Sports Council further recognized his invaluable contributions to the world of sports chiropractic, honoring him with the prestigious title of “Sports Chiropractor of the Year” in 2015.


Educationally, Dr. Silverman’s portfolio is nothing short of impressive. Among his myriad achievements, he boasts a remarkable six degrees in clinical nutrition. Such extensive academic accomplishments undoubtedly feed into his expert practice at the Westchester Integrative Health Center. As its founder, he’s renowned for employing state-of-the-art, non-surgical techniques combined with functional nutrition to address joint pain, offering his patients innovative and efficient solutions.


His expertise isn’t limited to the confines of his practice. Dr. Silverman is a pivotal member of the advisory boards for both the Functional Medicine University and Metagenics, playing a key role in shaping the future of integrated medicine. When he’s not advising or treating, Dr. Silverman is a sought-after voice on the international speaking circuit, elucidating on topics close to his heart and practice.


Media outlets frequently tap into his insights, making him a regular on platforms like FOX News Channel, NBC, CBS, and CW affiliates. Moreover, his thoughts and expertise have graced the pages of esteemed publications such as The Wall Street Journal and NewsMax. Tech giant Google too recognized his prowess, inviting him to their esteemed “Talks at Google” series to discuss his bestselling book.


In addition to his media engagements, Dr. Silverman is a prolific writer, contributing regularly to both peer-reviewed journals and mainstream publications. His articles have illuminated readers of Integrative Practitioner, MindBodyGreen, Muscle and Fitness, The Original Internist, and Holistic Primary Care journals, among others, positioning him as a beacon of knowledge in his field.


As we delve into our conversation on low-level laser therapy today, Dr. Rob Silverman’s profound expertise promises an episode packed with revelations and insights. Let’s dive in!


To learn more about Dr. Silverman and to find out when and where he’s speaking next, check out his website here:  https://drrobertsilverman.com/